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scorpio Scorpio
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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate October 24 to November 2 Animal instincts

You feel aware of your animal instincts, and your urges are strong. You need to be careful of acting on the spur of the moment or in any rash way, especially in matters to do with your love-life. The fascination and desire of the moment may lose its initial appeal when you take the necessary time to reflect.

Second Decanate November 3 to November 12 Attitude

Your immediate reactions and responses are needlessly aggressive and make real enemies of anyone who dares to stand in your way. Adopting a more restrained approach is preferable. Do not say things you may later regret that are difficult to retract, especially if you’re not a hundred per cent sure of your facts, keep quiet, think twice before saying anything.

Third Decanate November 13 to November 22 Recognition

Others are surprised, you’re making such an effort to be friendly and as a result you receive much more recognition than usual, almost everything you do appears to be popular with the people you know. You continually manage to impress and do what others reckon to be the right thing and are warm hearted towards everybody you encounter.